Monday, 28 March 2011

I will learn.....

Our blogging prompt today from Shimelle was to think about blogging and scrapping for the future. As she says in her prompt we usually scrap the past or present, but rarely the future. She asked us to think about setting a goal, something to aim for and to record this in some way.
Right at this moment I feel I have many things to set goals for (I have numerous projects on the go and really could do with an extra day in the week!) I am trying to lose a bit of weight, trying to exercise (not succeeding although I am enjoying swimming everyweek) I want more family time, I have a skirt that I need to sew... and many more I'm sure you get the picture.
But right now, right this minute I want to learn how to use my camera, to be able to take good pictures and learn to be more creative, maybe even being able to to manipulate them with photoshop.
I have signed up to do a short course at college, just the basics and hopefully this will start after Easter.
I'm looking forward to meeting people in the same boat as me, just learning, I'm eager to pick up new tips, compare photos and share ideas.
So this is for Grandad.. I will learn and I will learn well :)

1 comment:

Anita said...

Another eyecatching page Debbie, really liking the colours you used and the trims....such a nice photo too. I need to elarn how to use my camera properly too....I am so lazy and shoot a lot on auto :(..xxxxx