Sunday, 3 April 2011

Happy mothers day

Happy mothers day to all us mums :)
These are my mothers day cards this year for my mum and Paul's mum.
I thank God everyday that our mum's are still here with us, they truely are a gift and can't imagine life without them.
Sometimes though I think when your a child/teen you don't really appreciate exactly what our mum's do for us...I know I didn't. I also think that its not until you have children of your own do realise what we actually put our mums through!
A couple of weeks ago I decided to venture into my lovely daughters bedroom, you know to give it a good clean out. I'm glad I did, but oh what a mess! What with nail varnish, makeup, sweet wrappers and the biggest pile of washing you have ever seen, I wish I hadn't! It took the best part of Sunday to get it tidy.
I was telling my mum about it later on in the week...she just raised an eyebrow, laughed and said I knew someone else like that... Obviously she was talking about my sister because I'm sure it wasn't me ;P
Us mum's put up with a lot, enjoy every bit of pampering you get today and love every minute .....
we deserve it!!
Love you mum xxxx


Anita said...

What a beautiful card Debbie, so very pretty. And oh so true what you put about our lovely Mum's.....i am so very grateful for mine and I hope my girlies feel the same about me in later years.xxxx

Lou said...

Hi! Debbie,sorry not been by for a while.
Just adore both of your cards,so gorgeous and really love the images/colours-they must have been so loved!!
Your post has made me smile :),when i am brave and sort out Sophie's bottom of her wardrobe it can end up being 3 loads of washing...eek i dread it.
It is easier just to shut the doors and retreat to my crafty desk lol!!
hope you are doing ok?
hugs Lou.xx